I was looking at a Python program that I had written and wondered if such a simple structure would work with PHP? Variation 1 has a top level director parserJohn.php program calling functions, lots of functions, to accomplish its various missions. The functions are all stored in a folder called templates while there is a static folder that has a single style.css file. Essentially. the system is nothing but series of functions calling functions.
The first problem was transferring the PHP code to A2hosting where I have an account. They use a more serious way of signing on to their version of MySQL. Some of my problems are that it’s a shared system. In any case, the system was soon transferred. This system considers every thing a function.
ParcerJohn is the heart of the system and spends his days consuming POSTs or GETs and in turn invoking functions. Everything is a function. reacting. The gets or posts are encoded something like A2. O3,